There seem to be some some web pages that I view constantly, several times a day. My Etsy statistics page is a good example: I stalk my stats almost hourly ;-)

But, sometimes it can be hard to find the right tab in amongst all of those many, many web pages that I have open. And then I stumbled across this handy bit of software the other day: Fluid. It’s a Mac-only application which turns a web page into a standalone program.

It has a super-simple interface. You tell Fluid the web address (the “URL”), the name for your newly created app, where you want the new app to live, and which icon to use (choosing Favicon will use the website’s icon). Click on Create, and let Fluid do its stuff.

Fluid: from web page to standalone app

Fluid: from web page to standalone app

When it has finished you can click on the Launch Now button to check out your fancy new standalone app.

Fluid has created the app

Fluid has created the app

The new app has a menu bar with a set of browser-like menu items.

It's an app!

It’s an app!

The new app also has its own icon and lives in the Dock. That means that I can instantly go to my Etsy stats, hit command-R to refresh the page and see the latest update.

And an icon!

And an icon!

Fluid has certainly made my life just that bit simpler. I have recently started an, oh-no!, Twitter account (@IcedMoments). I have been using HootSuite to schedule my tweets. That’s another web page that I use daily, so I used Fluid to create a HootSuiteApp for myself. Fluid is a great program!


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