Tangled CDs

So, creatively speaking, life has been a bit chaotic for the last few months. As usual I have been doing “stuff”, but haven’t been organised enough to take photos or talk about what I’ve been doing. So, it’s time to play catch-up. I discovered Zentangleā„¢ quite a while ago, but Read more…


I usually try to avoid posting personal stuff on the internet. But I would like to tell friends, clients, and well-wishers what’s been happening in my life in the last few months. My mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in early April. At the time she was given one Read more…

My Timer Driven Life

My Timer-Driven Life

One of my articles has been published! In a fairly obscure e-magazine called Soda Lime Time, a monthly magazine for lampworkers. Anyway I submitted an article, it was accepted, and it was published in this month’s issue. It’s not specifically related to lampworking, so I am republishing it here. My Read more…

The Hand

To Draw = To See

Last Saturday I attended a drawing workshop, “To Draw = To See”, given by Annemarie Schumacher of dertigdecember, another designer at The New Label Project. Although I do not think of myself as being able to draw, I have dabbled a bit over the last few years. Annemarie taught us Read more…

Successful show!

My Christmas/Sinterklaas show, a couple of weeks ago, was a success. The venue was perfect (thanks Sander!), there were enough visitors and it was profitable! It was fairly quiet in the beginning but more people arrived and at one point there was even a queue for the cash register! Thanks Read more…

Zentangle 4

Strangely addictive

Okay, I feel a little weird about this, but I have discovered a new addiction, called Zentangle. When you look at it you think, “Ha, just a fancy name for doodling.” Which it sortof is, but a term that I like is “structured doodling”. To me the difference is that Read more…

Last year's crop of ducklings


For the third year in a row we have a mother duck sitting on her nest in a plant box on our roof terrace. It seems to me to be a strange place to breed ducks as it is 5 stories high. Each time the ducklings hatch they are in Read more…


Ahhhhh, that’s better! After procrastinating, and procrastinating, and then, for good measure, procrastinating a bit more, I have FINALLY updated the software for my self-hosted WordPress blog. And, I have also installed a new theme (look and feel), which is called Under the Influence. ;-) Ha! My disappearing sidebar problems Read more…